#!/usr/bin/env perl ##################################################################################### # # File: htmlilze.pl # Author: Curtis Smith # Date: January 19, 2000 # DLM: June 8, 2004 (Date last modified) # # Purpose: This program converts a file containing Perl code, given as # an argument on the command line, to HTML so that it may be # viewed through a browser. Any calls to subroutines that are # made in the file are re-written as links that point to that # subroutine. A link to the top of the page (where a list of any # subroutines in the file is kept) is placed # above each subroutine definition. This allows the user to # navigate easily throughout the file (especially useful with # large modules that contain several subroutines). # # The file that is produced will have the name of the original # file with a '.html' extension. Any periods (.) that existed # in the original file name are converted to underscores (_). # # Usage: htmlize.pl # ##################################################################################### # # To Do: # - Improve performance # - determine whether or not converting tags is necessary # ##################################################################################### # # Revision History # # 6/7/02 - first stab at displaying comments as green text in html file # # 1/16/03 - change font color of comments to grey and italicize the comments # - add XHTML DTD # # 8/03 - actually make XHTML (1.0 transitional) compliant # # 2/04 - include copyright/license info # # 6/04 - changed regex not to match "subroutine" when looking for subroutines # - added ampersand as one of the tags that gets converted in convert_tags() # ##################################################################################### # # Copyright (c) 2004 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # ##################################################################################### use File::Basename; use strict; my ($file, $title, $base_name, $html_file, $out, $i, @subs); my $DEBUG = 0; $file = $ARGV[0]; # used for HTML file $title = basename($file); if(! $ARGV[0]) { print "\nUSAGE : htmlize.pl \n"; print "Output: filename_ext.html (Ex: Module.pm will become Module_pm.html)\n\n"; exit 0; } if(!(-e $file)) { print "File $file not found.\n"; exit 0; } # convert less than(<), greater than(>), and quotes(") to their HTML # equivalent so that they aren't interpreted as HTML code $file = convert_tags($file); $file =~ /(.*)\.tagtemp/o; $base_name = $1; $base_name =~ s#\.#\_#go; $html_file = $base_name . ".html"; # $file.tagtemp is a temporary file that contains a copy of the original code # with HTML tags converted system("mv $file $html_file"); # open file for update open(HTML_FILE, "+< $html_file") or die "Can't open file $html_file: $!\n"; $out = ""; $i=0; print "\nDetermining method names...\n"; while() { my ($sub_name, $anchor, $link_to_top, $leftover); my $rest = ""; if (/^sub\s+(.*)$/o) { $sub_name = $1; # parse out opening brace from subroutine name if it exists if ($sub_name =~ /\{/) { $sub_name =~ s/(\{.*)$//; $rest = $1; } $sub_name =~ s/\s+//go; # array to hold names of all subroutines # used to write list of subs at top of HTML file $subs[$i++] = $sub_name; $anchor = "\n"; # link to top of page to place before each subroutine definition $link_to_top = "Top Of Page\n"; $leftover = "sub $sub_name" . $rest . "\n"; # updated lines $_ = $anchor . $link_to_top . $leftover; } $out .= $_; } print "Finished.\n"; print "Updating file with links to top of page...\n"; # rewind to beginning of file and write updated lines to file seek(HTML_FILE, 0, 0); print HTML_FILE $out; #truncate(HTML_FILE, tell(HTML_FILE)); close(HTML_FILE); print "Finished.\n"; print "Creating list of method names...\n"; $out = ""; $out = "\n"; $out .= "\n\n$title\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "\n"; #destination anchor for "Top of Page" links $out .= "


\n"; # write list of links to all subroutines in the file # would be nice to have links in an HTML TABLE... if(@subs) { $out .= "
\n"; $out .= "


\n"; $out .= "
    \n"; foreach my $sub(@subs) { $out .= "
  1. $sub
  2. \n"; } $out .= "

\n"; } $out .= "

print "Finished.\n";
print "Linking method names and updating file (may take a while)...\n";

# open file for update
open(HTML_FILE, "+< $html_file") or die "Can't open file $html_file:  $!\n";

	my ($line, $sub_name, $link);

	$line = $_;

	if($line =~ /#/o
	   and $line !~ /\\#/o
	   and $line !~ /\$\#/o			# syntax for last array index, i.e. $#array
	   and $line !~ /a\s+href\s*=.*?#/o	# on-page link, i.e. 
	   and $line !~ /(!|=)~\s*s\s*#/o)	# regular expression, i.e. s#this#that#
		$line =~ s/^(.*?)(#.*)$/$1$2<\/i><\/span>/m;

	my $stime = time();

	foreach my $sub_name (@subs)
                next if $line =~ /^sub|\$sub_name";                        
			$line =~ s/$sub_name/$link/g;
			# $line =~ s/([^\$]|^)$sub_name/$link/g;
			# $line =~ s/([^\$]|\#|\&|^)$sub_name/$link/g;

	my $etime = time();

	$out .= $line;

	my $time_per_line = $etime - $stime;

	print "Time taken per line: $time_per_line secs.\n" if $DEBUG;

# link to top of page at end of file
$out .= "-----------\n";
$out .= "Top Of Page\n";
$out .= "-----------\n";

$out .= "
\n"; print "Updating.\n"; # rewind to beginning of file and write updated lines to file seek(HTML_FILE, 0, 0); print HTML_FILE $out; #truncate(HTML_FILE, tell(HTML_FILE)); close(HTML_FILE); print "Done.\n\n"; sub convert_tags { my($file) = @_; my ($root, $tmp_file, $out); $root = basename($file); $tmp_file = $root.".tagtemp"; system("cp $file $tmp_file"); # open file for update open(TMP_FILE, "+< $tmp_file") or die "Can't open file $tmp_file: $!\n"; $out = ""; while() { if(/\/o) { $_ =~ s/\>/\>\;/go; # $a > $b becomes $a > $b } if(/\"/o) { $_ =~ s/\"/\"\;/go; # $str = "hello" becomes # $str = &qout;hello&qout; } if(/\&/o) { if($_ !~ /\<\;|\>\;|\"\;/) { $_ =~ s/\&/\&\;/go; } } $out .= $_; } # rewind to beginning of file and write updated lines to file seek(TMP_FILE, 0, 0); print TMP_FILE $out; #truncate(TMP_FILE, tell(TMP_FILE)); close(TMP_FILE); return($tmp_file); }